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The right REIT

A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a company that finances, operates or owns real estate that produces an income, and is a way for investors to have a liquid stake in the real estate market. According to Nareit, which is the representative voice for REITs, more than 225 REITs were trading on an American stock exchange earlier this year. At the start of 2018, a quick look at diversified REITs suggested that 23 were yielding […]

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Why is travel insurance so important

According to recent statistics, 5.5 million South Africans travelled abroad in 2016, showing that travel has become a part of many people’s lives — be that for business or leisure. A vacation can be an enriching experience that allows us to step away from our daily lives to relax and, enjoying it with added peace-of-mind is an added bonus! Remember, just because you’re on holiday doesn’t mean that you can’t avoid events that are outside of […]

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Rent out your home this holiday season

Many South Africans choose to take advantage of the public holidays and the warm weather by visiting loved ones or going on an adventure over December and January. However, expenditure over this festive season can quickly add up if you’ve planned a well-deserved break. It, therefore, can be worth renting out your house for the season, so you can supplement your spending while you are away. Nowadays, short-term rental websites, such as Airbnb, make it relatively […]

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Holiday Home Considerations

Although the demand for holiday homes in South Africa lost some momentum at the start of last year, according to the FNB Holiday Town House Price Index for February 2018, a renewed year-on-year growth acceleration was demonstrated in the results of the last half of 2017. In fact, the demand for holiday homes in South Africa has remained reasonably buoyant since 2013, and many property investors purchase a holiday home as a way of diversifying their […]

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Who pays the difference?

Good health care is not always easily obtainable and quickly becomes a costly experience. Many people who have health cover policies sometimes expect to have more cover than their policy actually includes, and they are saddled with high shortfall bills; they land up paying the difference between the medical cover rate, and the cost of the specialist. This is because having medical aid doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be fully covered for all treatments. This […]

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Time to Review your Medical Cover

Towards the end of every year, many medical schemes announce their annual contribution increases for the following year. This makes these last few months of 2018 the perfect time to review your cover and make any necessary amendments, as, until the start of December, most medical aid providers will allow you to change plans or options without penalties. Alternatively, if you are not happy with your provider, you can even go as far as to switch […]

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Make a Mental Note

“Without mental health there can be no true physical health” – Dr Brock Chisholm, the first Director-General of the World Health Organisation (WHO) Dr Brock Chisholm was a psychiatrist who asserted the notion that mental and physical health are linked, and an increasing amount of evidence highlights the impact that mental illnesses — particularly depression and anxiety — can have on physical health. Even though this may be the case, policy unfortunately still continues to lag […]

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The Lowdown on Inheritance and Donations Tax

Understanding how your (or your loved one’s) possessions and wealth are treated when you pass away is crucial to how you plan for what will happen to them. This blog is aimed at breaking down an incredibly paper-heavy, jargon-filled process! When a taxpayer dies, all their assets are placed in an estate, which is commonly referred to as a ‘deceased estate’. Assets can include a property, a car, money in the bank, and even furniture. Once […]

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Severe illness cover

Each year, about a million people need to stop working due to an illness or a debilitating injury. Yet, according to an article published in The Times, only 10% of people have severe illness cover. A severe illness is a medical condition that prevents you from leading your normal life, and the life industry covers a wide range of these dreaded diseases and health conditions, from Type 1 diabetes to Parkinson’s disease. However, the ‘Big Four’ […]

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Avoid crippling your finances

It is highly likely that one of your biggest assets is your earning power. It is vital to protect this asset and ensure you maintain a steady salary until you have reached your financial goals. Many people take a head-in-sand approach when it comes to income protection, believing that they’ll never be inflicted with a disability, or assuming they can find a quick resolution if they are. However, this doesn’t necessarily equate to positive thinking, but […]

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