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Tips to make your fuel go further

The price of fuel is expected to go up at the beginning of October after a recent period of fuel price reductions. This can affect people that spend a lot of time commuting quite drastically, but the more time you spend on the road the more opportunity you have to drive economically and try curb the cost of inflation to your financial plan. Mass plays a big role in saving fuel, a small engine in a […]

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Spring clean your finances

Spring cleaning is simultaneously exhilarating and exhausting. The process of clearing out old ‘junk’ is reinvigorating and mind-easing, however it also feels like a drag. And many people feel the same about their finances, but organizing and simplifying your financial situation can help set yourself up for financial success. Here are some tips to help you spring clean your finances: Clean out your wallet Starting with something simple to get the momentum going is usually a […]

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Seriously, don’t throw your money away – Part 2

I have read countless money saving blogs and most of the advice sounds somewhat obvious, but I find that I still need reminding; and every now and then I’ll come across a fresh tip that really makes a difference. We all slip up every now and then, so here’s my reminder to you. Here are five more tips to prevent you from “throwing away” money: Stop paying for something that you can get for free There […]

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Investment insights – diversifying your portfolio

Investment diversification is not a new concept. I’m sure that we all know the old saying that you should not put all your eggs in one basket. If a “basket” drops, you don’t want all of your investments to break. Diversification reduces risk, making the uncertain journey to your financial end-goal significantly smoother. Investing is an art form, not a knee-jerk reaction. The best time to practice disciplined investing with a diversified portfolio is before diversification […]

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Don’t throw your money away – Part 1

It’s relatively easy for your monthly budget to spring some leaks that are easily overlooked. You may not view it as throwing away money, but that isn’t the correct mindset to have if you plan on saving. As the famous Benjamin Franklin saying goes, “A penny saved is a penny earned”. An extra R50 in your bank account is an extra R50 no matter how it got there (or even if it never left!). Here are […]

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Don’t wait until your thirties – Medical for young adults

Just because you are young does not mean you are insusceptible to chronic conditions and dread diseases. Adding to this; accidents happen when you least expect them. There is a perception that if you are young, you don’t need medical cover, but that is far from the uncomfortable truth. Technology has us leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles, which can lead to conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. If you are without cover, medical costs associated with hospitalisation, […]

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Yoga for your financial plan

Whether or not yoga is your thing, you’re probably familiar with it. The practice of yoga has become popular enough that most people know what it is, but I bet you didn’t ever associate it with financial planning. Here are some core principles of yoga that relate to a disciplined financial plan: Balance Is central How is your financial posture looking? Are you on tip-toes or do you have a stable foot on the ground? Balance […]

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A woman’s will

Happy Women’s Day for tomorrow! In celebration of Women’s Month I wanted to share an article that focuses specifically on a financial planning aspect that is often overlooked for women. Recently, the Fiduciary Institute of Southern Africa (Fisa) discussed some important financial planning considerations for women that highlighted the need for an up-to-date will. It is estimated that at least half of the estates reported at the Master’s Office each year are of people who died […]

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Good habits to help you out of bad debt

You need to earn a lot to be well-off, right? Not so. Wealth is as much about controlling debt and spending as it is about income. If you earn a moderate salary and are free of short-term debt then you’re probably in a better financial position than someone who earns more, but spends it all on serving short-term debt. Essentially, good money habits boil down to three simplified points. Spend less than you earn and invest […]

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The power of positivity and a good plan

Have you ever told yourself, “When I have more money, I’ll be happier”? How about, “I’ll never be able to pay off this debt”? These sort of toxic money thoughts are holding you back from financial success – and happiness! A good financial plan needs to be attainable and measurable, those expressions are neither. The first step to a financial plan is both the hardest and the easiest – it’s the starting point. The point where […]

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