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Enjoy a water-wise holiday period

The Cape water crisis is now a reality of which most people living in South Africa are very aware. Cape Town is preparing for a harsh summer ahead, and the local government attests that it is doing everything in its power to ensure that the Mother City makes it through this challenging time. Water consumption is currently at 585-million litres of collective usage per day, and must be reduced further, so it is important that all […]

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A bit about Bitcoin

According to an article published on USA Today, the biggest investing story of 2017 has been the incredible take-off of cryptocurrencies. Although several have risen to prominence over the past year, Bitcoin still remains the most popular. Here is a brief overview about this particular digital alternative currency — the price of which has tripled since the beginning of 2017, surpassing returns seen in many other investments. 1. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin started in 2009 and […]

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Medical aid considerations

As we begin the run-up to the festive season, sounds of yuletide carols and outdoor concerts will soon fill the air, and you’ll find yourself pondering philosophical questions, such as who exactly likes Christmas pudding and why do we only eat cranberry sauce once a year? With all the merriment, it’s easy to get caught up in advent adventures and forget the more clerical side to the Christmas countdown. For, come the new year, along with […]

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The cappuccino effect

Wednesday, 8th November is National Cappuccino Day in the United States of America. Although this is commonly a time to celebrate the frothy goodness of this popular drink (whose name was interestingly inspired by the colour of the hooded robes of the Capuchin friars in Italy), it’s also an occasion to become aware of our spending habits. We may live a long way from our cousins in the northern hemisphere, but we can all benefit from […]

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5 tips to preparing your business for December leave

December is often the busiest time of year for businesses, and the season comes with increasing demands for both employers and employees. It is also the time of year when many South Africans take the opportunity to take a well deserved break. However, as exciting (and much needed) a holiday may be, this does often create added pressure — both personally and professionally speaking — and many people find it difficult to juggle all their commitments. […]

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Saving money for Christmas

“Have yourself a merry little Christmas, let your heart be light. From now on, all our troubles will be out of sight.” — Frank Sinatra In the wise words of Sinatra, make sure your Christmas is as stress-free as possible so that you can focus on and enjoy the important things that the festive season brings, such as spending time with family and friends. It’s easy to get carried away in the consumerist whirlwind of the […]

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5 ways to manage stress

1st November 2017 marks National Stress Awareness Day in the UK, and the South African government even declared the whole month of October to be Mental Health Awareness Month, “with the objective of not only educating the public about mental health but also to reduce the stigma and discrimination that people with mental illness are often subjected to.” Even though there may not be a public holiday to mark the event in South Africa, stress is […]

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Use your smartphone to save money

A smartphone may be considered to be a pricey accessory, but it could actually save you money in the long run. According to this article published on Essentials, having a smartphone could be just the device you need to help you manage your financial situation and save you Rands overall. 1. Comparison-shopping app Nowadays, most prices and product information are available online, so it doesn’t take much more than a few clicks of the mouse to […]

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To Airbnb or not to Airbnb?

According to a 2016 Fin24 interview, Nicola D’Elia, the managing director for Airbnb Africa and Middle East, noted that Airbnb hosts in South Africa earn on average ZARR28,000 a month by letting their property on a short-term basis through this popular rental website. Furthermore, Nested released an encouraging report that found that South Africans could recuperate their house value quicker through Airbnb than via traditional rental options. With such prospective returns, it’s clear that Airbnb can […]

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The Power of Compound Interest

Many South Africans are unfortunately ill-prepared for retirement, and it’s an unsettling prospect that so many citizens of this developing nation may not be able to support themselves in their golden years. However, the beauty of compound interest means that if you start saving from an early age, investing in your future doesn’t have to be the heavy financial burden that many people fear (and thus postpone). The power of compound interest actually makes saving from […]

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