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What are you paying for?

With the recent announcement of some higher-than-expected increases to medical cover products for 2017, many people are reconsidering their medical cover for the immediate future and re-assessing their financial plans to ensure that they are still working with the best portfolio for their lifestyles, their families and their businesses. Whilst the year-ahead increases will cause some to question what they are paying for in medical cover, the larger question – one that is much older than […]

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Choosing your medical plan for cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in South Africa and may become even more prevalent – medical journal, Lancet, predicts a 78 percent spike in cancer cases by 2030. Despite the prevalence of the disease and the high price tag associated with cancer treatment, medical aid schemes in South Africa do not automatically cover all treatment costs. Comprehensive medical aid options that provide cover both in and out of hospital usually have unlimited […]

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Don’t wait until your thirties – Medical for young adults

Just because you are young does not mean you are insusceptible to chronic conditions and dread diseases. Adding to this; accidents happen when you least expect them. There is a perception that if you are young, you don’t need medical cover, but that is far from the uncomfortable truth. Technology has us leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles, which can lead to conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. If you are without cover, medical costs associated with hospitalisation, […]

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Saving is a tricky financial discipline to master. Most people agree that it’s wise to save, but are unsure as how best to do it. They try one way, take a break, then try another. It’s similar to the way many people try to eat healthily. Again, we all agree to the benefits of healthy eating, but few can stick to the right diet for a period long enough to produce significant results. Just as different […]

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As I wrote in a previous article, full medical cover has become an expensive purchase that few South Africans can afford. As we see a significant increase in the purchase of hospital plans, we are also seeing a decrease in how much our clients fully understand the big differences between an old-school medical aid and the intuitive products of today’s marketplace. Having come from a generation that largely understood medical cover as a ‘covers all’ policy, […]

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Full medical cover has become an expensive purchase that few South Africans can afford. This is the reason for the increased popularity of hospital plans that cover your medical bills if you are hospitalised. Having come from a generation that largely understood medical cover as a ‘covers all’ policy, it’s important to run through these five facts about hospital plans that are overlooked until they are needed! You usually need to be hospitalised for the hospital […]

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One of the biggest drives around Breast Cancer Month is education and awareness. There are many programmes in place to provide extensive knowledge and encourage support for those who are looking for expert advice. The PinkDrive website is an amazing site that offers a place to ask questions, find answers, enter events, raise money for research and buy Breast Cancer Awareness gifts and promotional items. One of the procedures that they explain is the mammogram. Here’s […]

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The current SA stats for breast cancer reveal that one in thirty-six women has breast cancer. My blog last week spoke about the general costs and overall statistics of cancer, but today I’d like to get a little more specific as to the expected ‘realistic’ impact that breast cancer will have on those who may be diagnosed this month. Whilst it’s a scary reality, the sooner breast cancer is diagnosed the higher the chance that it […]

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Last year I shared an article on my blog that spoke to the stark reality of the tragic impact that cancer has had (and continues to have) on almost every family in South Africa. It’s very rare, in fact, to meet someone who hasn’t either had cancer themselves, or has a close family member who has been diagnosed with some form of cancer. As I wrote in my previous blog, cancer has increased exponentially and is, […]

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A brief walk through any public space will reveal the presence of a new type of technology. It’s not a new phone or tablet, it’s a cigarette; an e-cigarette. I came across this article in an email that explains why life insurers apply a loading for the use of e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular, but they’re no stranger to controversy. The latest news on the topic highlights the increasing number of governmental regulations kicking in […]

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